Allen Xu 工程师经纪专业合您意

Allen Xu 工程师经纪专业合您意

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Trusted Realtor + Master's Degree Engineering    工程师经纪 专业合您意

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    Phone: 604-307-8858; Wechat Id: AllenXuBBD8818

  • Phone: 604-307-8858;                   Wechat Id: AllenXuBBD8818

    Phone: 604-307-8858; Wechat Id: AllenXuBBD8818

  • Phone: 604-37-8858;Wechat Id: AllenXuBBD8818

    Phone: 604-37-8858;Wechat Id: AllenXuBBD8818

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Allen Xu 个人简介

Welcome to the website of Allen Xu, an experienced engineer who possesses a master’s degree in civil engineering and who has a great deal of passion in financial/real estate investment and helping others finding their dream home. With a solid foundation in civil engineering, Allen possesses an unparalleled understanding of city planning and engineering intricacies, making him a standout professional in both engineering and real estate.

In the dynamic world of real estate, Allen brings a refreshing perspective. He’s an agent committed to building lasting relationships and doing the right things. Unlike those who may be motivated solely by quick sales and high volumes, Allen pays great attention to market data and facts, leverages his engineering background to bring unparalleled value for money to his real estate clients. His meticulous approach ensures that every advice is based on facts/data and therefore clients’ decisions are resulting in optimal outcomes.

Adding to his unique profile, Allen comes from an immigrant’s family from Asia, affording him a deep understanding of this market. This invaluable perspective, coupled with extensive connections, positions him to navigate the nuances of the real estate landscape, especially as a sizable portion of new buyers coming from the same background.

Fluent in both English and Chinese, Allen facilitates seamless communication with a diverse clientele. Whether you're navigating the complexities of urban development or seeking a dedicated real estate professional with cultural insight, Allen is your trusted guide through the intersection of engineering precision and real estate passion. Explore the best of both worlds with Allen where expertise, reliability, and cultural understanding converge to make your real estate journey truly exceptional and satisfying.

Please call or email Allen and he’s ready to serve you and your family! 


Allen来自中国江苏省, 本科在江苏南京一所知名的985和211 大学就读土木工程专业。毕业之后很顺利找到了一份不错的工作,事业蒸蒸日上。然而年轻的心总是想着 “世界那么大,我想去看看” ,工作一年后辞职来到了加拿大攻读土木工程硕士,想着硕士毕业后就继续回国发展。然而这一待就已经近19载。。。

 毕业后Allen就职于工程设计公司和省/市政府从事建筑施工,设计和规划工作,工作足迹遍布加拿大萨省,阿省,BC。 现在的Allen 是加拿大注册高级工程师,目前定居在大温地区兰里市 (Langley),就职于大温地区某市政府,担任规划和工程中层管理( Engineering Manager)。 大温哥华地区的地产经纪,比夏天公园草地里的蒲公英还多;找个专业,严谨,又诚实可信的经纪,却可谓可遇而不可求。虽然Allen觉得大部分从业人员还是很专业的,但是家里人买第一套房就曾经寻寻觅觅辗转换了几个经纪,也差点吃了亏入过不良经纪的坑。萨省和阿省的朋友们知道Allen在大温居住多年且有很多买卖房产,投资及建房的经验, 当他们想在大温置地购房时候也纷纷来找Allen提供建议和帮忙。 一次聚会上朋友问,你这么有经验,帮我咨询买到了称心的房子,你应该去考一个房产经纪执照阿!同桌的其他友人也同声表示同意,你拿到license下次我们都找你。就这样,Allen 走上了入职考试和做房产经纪的路.

房子往往是一个家庭最大的投资,也是您朝夕相处温馨的港湾。帮您找到理想的投资机会或者满意的房子,运用我英文谈判技巧给您争取最优的价格,是我追求的终极目标。不同于一般经纪,Allen 工程师工作收入为主,所以我的经纪咨询服务更注重质而不追求量,我希望能确保您的投资是物有所值, 您买卖房都能满意而归。Allen充分利用市政工程专业知识,结合工程男做事严谨,擅长分析的特长,为您提供最专业的咨询,分析每个房子的优缺点,提供详尽可靠的参考, 确保客户称心满意。

 Allen 平时工作的圈子里都是讲英语的当地白人同事和朋友,从事房地产以来,我很高兴我能认识很多华人朋友。能够用我的专业技能和诚实严谨的做事风格,帮助您和家人在环境美丽,气候宜人的温哥华地区安家立业投资发财,是我最大的满足。


Designation: B.Eng,M.Sc.,Engineer+Realtor

Education: Master's degree in Civil Engineering &Real Estate Certificate UBC

Languages Spoken: Cantonese, English, Mandarin

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